Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra carried a handbag with the word ‘Palestine’ printed on it during her visit to Parliament on December 16. The image, shared by Congress spokesperson Shama Mohamed on X, went viral, drawing praise from social media users for her symbolic gesture of solidarity with Palestine. The move follows Priyanka Gandhi’s recent meeting with Palestine Embassy’s chargé d’affaires, Abed Elrazeg Abu Jazer, who gifted her a photograph of Indira Gandhi and Yasser Arafat. During their meeting, Priyanka reportedly expressed support for Palestine’s struggle for statehood. Rahul Gandhi Lauds Priyanka Gandhi’s Speech in Lok Sabha, Says ‘Better Than My Maiden Speech’ (Watch Video).

Priyanka Gandhi Carries Handbag with ‘Palestine’ Printed on It

Social Media Users React to Priyanka Gandhi’s Viral Pic

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