The Uttarakhand police have registered a case against a dentist for allegedly celebrating "pollution free diwali" with gunfire. The incident came to light after the doctor, identified as Aanchal Dhingra of Rudrapur, shared a video of her firing shots from a gun to celebrate a "pollution free" Diwali 2024. According to reports, the doctor has been booked under the Arms Act for reportedly firing from a licensed pistol into the air at her Gadarpur farmhouse. Speaking to The Times of India, Rudrapur station house office (SHO) Manoj Raturi said, "Upon reviewing the video, we confirmed that Anchal had indeed discharged her pistol." It is also learned that Aanchal Dhingra is a general dentist who works at Guru Maa Advanced Dental Care in Rudrapur and is married to a businessman named Abhimanyu Dhingra. The viral clip shows the doctor standing next to a Mahindra Thar and shooting five times in the air with the gun pointed towards the sky. Train Accident Averted: Iron Pole Found on Track, Loco Pilot’s Swift Action Prevents Potential Accident in Rudrapur; Visual Surfaces.
Doctor Upload Video of Celebratory Firing on Instagram
With the slogan of 'pollution free Diwali', Dr. Aanchal, a dentist from Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, has uploaded this video of celebratory firing on her Instagram account.
— ShoneeKapoor (@ShoneeKapoor) November 6, 2024
Doctor Booked After Video Goes Viral
रुद्रपुर की महिला डॉक्टर पर मुकदमा दर्ज
महिला डॉक्टर ने की थी हवाई फायरिंग #Uttrakhand #zeeupuk @shukladeepali15
— Zee Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand (@ZEEUPUK) November 5, 2024
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