Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand on Thursday, October 12. The latter was seen performing puja at the Parvati Kund Shrine in the region. Later, he visited the nearby Gunji Village and interacted with the locals. PM Modi can be seen talking to the local residents of the hill village and taking blessings from them amid the chants of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ in the videos that surfaced online. During his one-day visit to Kumaon, the Prime Minister will lay the groundwork for many development initiatives and attend a public gathering. PM Narendra Modi Performs Puja at Parvati Kund in Pithoragarh on Day-Long Visit to Uttarakhand (See Pics and Videos).

PM Narendra Modi in Gunji Village

PM Narendra Modi Performs Puja at Parvati Kund

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