Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced allegations from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) about using a teleprompter during his speeches. The claims surfaced following an incident at a recent rally in Rohini, where the teleprompter allegedly malfunctioned, causing an awkward pause in his address. AAP shared a video showing the Prime Minister standing silent for an extended moment, reportedly waiting for the teleprompter to resume. The party used the footage to question the authenticity of Modi’s oratory skills, a hallmark of his political career. While Modi’s speeches often garner widespread attention, the incident has sparked debates, with video going viral on social media. ‘No Welfare Scheme To Be Shut if BJP Comes to Power in Delhi, Will Weed Out Corruption’, Says PM Narendra Modi While Addressing Election Rally in Rohini.
Teleprompter Malfunction At PM Modi’s Rally?
Teleprompter failed😭🤣
— Mohit Chauhan (@newt0nlaws) January 5, 2025
AAP Shares Video
दिल्ली में BJP की तरह मोदी जी का Teleprompter भी Fail हो गया....
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) January 5, 2025
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