A video going viral on social media shows the Uttar Pradesh police resorting to the lathi charge after the crowd went out of control while coming in large numbers to watch Russian dancers' performance. The alleged incident is said to have taken place during the Jalvihar Mahotsav program in Uttar Pradesh's Jhansi. While the exact date and time of the incident is not known, the incident seems to be recent and occurred during the Jalbihar Mahotsav in Mauranipur, Jhansi. The viral clip shows police officials lathi-charging the crowd as they go out of control while watching the dance performance of Russian dancers. Some reports claim that Russian female dancers and other female dancers danced vulgarly on film songs during the event, which could have caused the crowd to go out of control. Meanwhile, many people are believed to have been injured during the incident after police resorted to lathi charges. Uttar Pradesh: Video of Cop Thrashing 'Suspects' With a Leash in Jhansi Goes Viral, Act of Police Brutality Caught on Camera.
Police Lathi Charge After Crowd Goes Out of Control
UP : रशियन डांसर को देख बेकाबू हुई भीड़, पुलिस ने दौड़ाकर पीटा
◆ घटना झांसी के जलविहार महोत्सव कार्यक्रम के दौरान की है
Russian Dancer | #RussianDancer | #Jhansi pic.twitter.com/MTfnq7vipd
— News24 (@news24tvchannel) October 6, 2023
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