Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan fell ill on Tuesday evening, October 1, while climbing Tirumala Hill during his "Praschit Deeksha", which he began over the Tirupati Temple Laddu controversy. Pawan Kalyan experienced severe back and leg pain while climbing Tirumala Hill. On Tuesday evening, Pawan Kalyan began his journey to Tirumala temple on foot. After performing puja at Alipiri Padala Mandapam, he began his journey to the famous hill shrine. Pawan Kalyan Begins 11-Day ‘Praschit Deeksha’ Over Tirupati Laddu Controversy: Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Begins His Journey on Foot to Triumala Temple (Watch Video).
Pawan Kalyan Falls Ill While Climbing Tirumala Temple
Watch: Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan fell ill while climbing Tirumala Hill. He suffered from severe back and leg pain
— IANS (@ians_india) October 1, 2024
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