In an unfortunate incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a 6-year-old child died after falling into a pit near his house. The incident took place when the child was returning with some household items along with his friend. "Further investigation underway," Rajneesh Kumar, ACP-1 (Noida) said. Bengaluru: Six-Year-Old Girl Dies After Falling Into Pit at Under-Construction Site in Sultanpet, Case Registered.
Child Dies After Falling Into Pit in Noida
Noida, UP | 6-year-old child dies after falling in a pit near his house. During this incident, the child was returning with some household items along with his friend. Further investigation underway: Rajneesh Kumar, ACP-1 (Noida)
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) April 2, 2023
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