A couple was caught having sex near a dead body inside the mortuary freezer room of a hospital in Noida's Sector 94. Although the incident is reported to have occured almost a month ago, its video went viral on August 23. After Sunil Sharma, the Chief Medical Officer of Gautam Buddh Nagar registered a case at Sector-126 police station, investigations revealed that the man in video is Sher Singh, a sweeper employed at the mortuary. Sher Singh has been arrested with two other employees, Bhanu and Parvendra, both of whom were present in the scene. As per the report of Times of India, it was allegedly Parvendra who recorded the video of the act. They were arrested under Section 296 of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which penalises obscene acts in public places, and under Sections 67 and 67A of the Information Technology Act regarding the transmission of explicit material. Sharma added in his statement, "What was the guard doing at that time? The mortuary also has on duty a supervisor, a doctor, and a pharmacist on rotation. We will request the Noida administration to deploy more security guards at the post-mortem house" and informed the plans to install CCTV cameras there soon. Sher Singh’s employment has since been terminated by the concerned health department and a three-member committee was also formed to look into the matter, while police too continues their investigations. Noida: Man and Woman Engage in ‘Indecent Act’ Inside Mortuary Room, Video Surfaces.

Noida Police Comment on the Mortuary Sexual Act (Adult Video)

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