The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has fielded Ramveer Singh Thakur as its candidate for the by-election to the Kundarki assembly seat of Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh. Ahead of the assembly bypoll, all candidates, including BJP's Ramveer Singh Thakur, are trying their best to woo voters. Amid all of this, a video of Ramveer Singh Thakur's statement given during an election program in Uttar Pradesh is going viral on social media. During an event, BJP leader Ramveer Singh Thakur said that after winning the election, the Panna Pramukh of BJP will not need to keep any driving license. He further said that the diary of the Panna Pramukh of BJP would be his license, and no policeman would have the courage to arrest him. The viral clip shows Thakur Ramveer Singh holding a diary in his hand and saying that when you people win the Kundarki by-election and are going on a motorcycle, if any policeman catches you, then show this diary. "Neither RC, driving license, nor any insurance paper will be needed. This diary will be everyone's license. So, no policeman of Moradabad will have the courage to stop your motorcycle." SP Seeks Transfer of 3 Officials in Moradabad for Free and Fair Bypoll in Kundarki.

'No Policeman of Moradabad Will Have the Courage To Stop Your Motorcycle'

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