Finance Minister Nirmal Sitharaman on Thursday took note of the video which showed an elderly woman walking barefoot for several kms in scorching heat to collect pension money in Odisha’s Nabarangpur. Sitharaman pulled up State Bank of India (SBI) and said "Can see the manager of SBI responding but yet wish @DFS_India and@TheOfficialSBI take cognisance of this and act humanely. Are they no bank Mitra? @FinMinIndia." SBI reacted to the finance minister’s tweet and said that they are equally pained to see the video. They further said that from next month onwards the pension will be delivered at her doorstep. Odisha: Elderly Woman Forced to Walk Several Kms in Scorching Heat Just to Collect Pension in Nabarangpur (Watch Video).
Sitharaman Pulls Up SBI
Can see the manager of the @TheOfficialSBI responding but yet wish @DFS_India and @TheOfficialSBI take cognisance of this and act humanely. Are they no bank Mitra? @FinMinIndia
— Nirmala Sitharaman (@nsitharaman) April 20, 2023
SBI Responds
Madam, we are equally pained to see this video. Smt Surya Harijan in the video used to withdraw her old age pension from the CSP point situated in her village every month. Due to old age, her finger prints were not matching at the CSP point.
— State Bank of India (@TheOfficialSBI) April 20, 2023
We have also decided to handover a wheelchair to Smt Surya Harijan.@ANI
— State Bank of India (@TheOfficialSBI) April 20, 2023
We are equally pained to see the video. Smt Surya Harijan withdrew her pension from the CSP in her village every month. Her finger prints weren’t matching due to old-age. We have decided to facilitate doorstep pension delivery hereafter. We will handover a wheelchair to her soon.
— State Bank of India (@TheOfficialSBI) April 20, 2023
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