In Madhya Pradesh's Neemuch district, a 23-year-old mechanic named Ameen Mansuri was allegedly beaten to death by Mahesh Patidar after a dispute over tractor repairs. The incident sparked unrest, with Mansuri's family protesting by blocking the main road in Diken, demanding INR 50 lakh compensation and the demolition of the accused's house. Authorities, including the SDM and ASP, arrived on the scene to negotiate with the family. After hours of discussion, officials assured the family that a compensation proposal would be sent to the government and that any illegal encroachments by the accused would be investigated and demolished. The protest ended with the family taking the body for burial. Udaipur Violence: Authorities Demolish House of Minor Accused, Claim Property Built on Forest Land (Watch Video).

Mechanic Beaten to Death in MP (Disturbing Video)

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