The Uttar Pradesh police arrested a 29-year-old man recently in connection with the Nainital Bank’s server hacking case that occurred in Noida. Two months ago, a few unidentified suspects had siphoned off nearly INR 17 crore in 84 transactions between June 16 and June 20. The arrested suspect was identified as Harsh Bansal, BJP Yuva Morcha city president. Police officials also said that Harsh's CA brother Shubham Bansal, who is also an accused in the case, is absconding. The duo created fake firms and transferred money to their accounts after hacking the bank's server. Uttar Pradesh: Fraudsters Steal INR 16.50 Crore After Hacking Server of Nainital Bank in Noida, Transfer Money to Several Accounts.

Accused Harsh Bansal Arrested

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