On Sunday morning, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis visited Nagpur to assess the rain situation and meet with flood-affected people. Several portions of the city were drenched by 109 millimetres of rain in three hours, including 90 mm between 2 and 4 am on Saturday. He stated that the National Disaster Response Force and its state equivalent, the SDRF, are conducting rescue and relief operations throughout Vidarbha's major metropolis. Meanwhile, the Indian Army is also conducting rescue operations in the waterlogged Ambajhari area. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation has also issued helpline numbers to inhabitants and warned them not to leave their houses unless absolutely necessary. Nagpur Rains: Ambajhari Area Flooded After Heavy Rainfall Lashes Many Parts of Maharashtra City, Rescue Operation by Indian Army Underway (Watch Video).

Devendra Fadnavis Visits Flood-Affected Areas in Nagpur

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