In a heartbreaking video that has surfaced on social media from Karnataka's Hassan district, the mahout of the fame elephant Arjuna was seen in tears after his animal companion got killed by a wild tusker during a fight. The inconsolable mahout was seen being escorted form the restricted area where the elephant died. The 64-year-old elephant Arjuna, which carried the golden howdah for eight years during Dussehra procession in Mysuru, died on Monday, December 4 during a fight with a wild elephant at the Yesalur range forest in Sakleshpura taluk of Hassan district, Karnataka. Elephant Arjuna Death: Former Golden Howdah Elephant Dies in Wild Tusker Attack, Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah Expresses Sorrow.

Mahout Inconsolable After Arjuna's Death: 

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