The Mumbai Cyber police on Tuesday detained one more person in connection with the Bulli Bai app case. The woman was reportedly detained from Uttarakhand. Meanwhile, a 21-year-old student, who was detained on Monday night from Bengaluru, has been arrested by the police. The arrested student has been identified as Vishal Kumar. On Sunday, West Mumbai Cyber Police station registered a case against the 'Bulli Bai' app developers and Twitter handles that promoted the app. Notably, six months after derogatory "Sulli Deals" site surfaced, a new controversy emerged with the "Bulli Bai" targeting women of another religion. "Bulli Bai" has been created on GitHub platform.
Tweet By ANI:
Mumbai Police Cyber Cell detains one more person in 'Bulli Bai' app case
The Cell today arrested a 21-year-old engineering student, who was detained from Bengaluru yesterday, following questioning in the case
— ANI (@ANI) January 4, 2022
Student Detained Last Night Arrested By Police:
#Breaking - 21-yr-old student detained last night in a connection with the #BulliBaiApp case has been arrested by Mumbai Police's cyber cell. Another women from Uttarakhand has also detained.
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) January 4, 2022
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