In a highly disturbing incident, a family in Mumbai's Bhiwandi found a dead lizard in a pav they brought from a general store. A video of the incident has surfaced on social media. As per the reports, the incident occurred in the Roshan Bagh area of Bhiwandi city. Reportedly, Mohammad Wasim Mohammad Salim brought a few pavs from a general store near his house for breakfast. However, when he reached home and took out the pav, he found a dead lizard. Enraged, he approached the store to complain. The store owner told him he does not make the pav and buys them from a nearby bakery at wholesale rates. Mumbai Fire: Major Blaze Erupts in Building in Byculla Area, Five People Rescued; Video Shows Clouds of Smoke Emanating.
Family Finds Dead Lizard in Pav
नरम पावात मेलेली 'पाल ' आढळल्याने भिवंडीत खळबळ#Marathinews #video
— News18Lokmat (@News18lokmat) November 15, 2023
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