Mumbai Police launched an investigation after two cars with the same number plate were found parked near the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Colaba on Monday. The original owner, Sakir Ali, a Nariman Point resident, discovered another Ertiga car identical to his own with the number plate MH01 EE 2388 while near Gateway of India. He alerted the Regional Transport Office (RTO), leading to the vehicles and drivers being taken to Colaba Police Station. Investigations revealed that Prasad Kadam, a Navi Mumbai resident, had intentionally duplicated the number plate on his car. Kadam admitted to altering it to avoid detection after defaulting on a car loan from Chola Mandalam. Police recorded the statements of both drivers and are continuing their probe to determine further legal actions. HC on Loan Recovery: Banks Cannot Coerce Defaulting Loan Borrowers To Pay by Publishing Their Photos, It Violates Right to Privacy and Reputation, Says Kerala High Court.
Mumbai Police Probe Two Cars With Identical Number Plates Near Taj Mahal Hotel
Mumbai | Sakir Ali stays at Nariman Point and has an Ertiga with the number plate MH01 EE 2388. He is the original owner of the car. Today he was in front of Gateway of India where he found another Ertiga car with the same model & number plate. He informed the nearby RTO. Both…
— ANI (@ANI) January 6, 2025
#WATCH | Mumbai: Sakir Ali says, "...When I was going to drop my client, I saw another car with the same number plate. The owner of the car with the same number plate tried to run away when I approached him. The traffic police caught him...I had complained about this earlier too,…
— ANI (@ANI) January 6, 2025
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