In Hyderabad’s Balapur area, police raided a residence in Alinagar and arrested Mohammed Amir, a local contractor, for allegedly organising a ‘Mujra’ party featuring cross-dressers performing obscene dances. Held in connection with Amir’s son’s engagement, the party attracted over 70 guests and featured performers dancing to provocative songs. Acting on complaints from concerned locals, the police arrived at the scene around 1:40 AM, prompting the cross-dressers to flee through a back exit. Authorities seized the sound equipment used and have filed an FIR against Amir under sections of the Indian Penal Code, including charges related to public nuisance, negligent acts, and obscenity. Police are now investigating the source responsible for arranging cross-dressers for private events in the region, as well as seeking the primary organizer behind the performances. The incident sparked a reaction on social media after video footage of the dances went viral. Chennai: Dance at Medical Conference Triggers Row for Being ‘Vulgar’, Viral Video Shows Male Doctors Performing Moves With Woman Dancer Holding Alcohol Glasses In Hand.

Mujra Party in Hyderabad 

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