In a disturbing incident in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad, a man accused of cow slaughter died after being brutally beaten by a mob of locals. The victim, identified as Shahedeen, was allegedly assaulted by a crowd after being accused of slaughtering a cow on December 30. Despite being rushed to the hospital with severe injuries, Shahedeen succumbed to his wounds during treatment. Disturbing video footage of the incident, showing the man being thrashed by the mob, has since gone viral on social media. Following the incident, an FIR was registered against the deceased under relevant sections of cow slaughter. The police are investigating the matter, and legal action is being taken in connection with both the mob assault and the cow slaughter accusation. Moradabad: 1 Injured As Truck Driver Deliberately Runs Over 4 People After Dispute in Uttar Pradesh, CCTV Footage Surfaces.

Moradabad Mob Lynching (Trigger Warning)

Man Killed by Mob Over Cow Slaughter Accusations, FIR Filed

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