A violent incident occurred during the BJP’s Vikshit Bharat Sankalp Yatra in Moradabad on Saturday when a man fired a gun following a dispute. The event, held in Devapur village in Moradabad’s Katghar, was organised by Yasin, the father of the village head. A man protested on stage against the event being organised without prior notice, leading to an altercation. As the situation escalated, the accused fired his licensed pistol at a BJP leader, causing a stampede. SP City Akhilesh Bhadauria arrived at the scene upon receiving the news and managed to calm the situation. Due to the involvement of two different sects in the incident, a large number of police personnel have been deployed in the village, according to an official statement. Kanpur Shocker: Elderly Man Stuffed in Cardboard Box, Thrown Into Drain, Dies; Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Firing Incident in Moradabad

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