In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad, a truck driver allegedly ran over four people sitting under a shed after a minor dispute. The driver, reportedly angry, reversed the truck deliberately, striking the victims. One person sustained serious injuries in the incident, which was captured on CCTV and later shared on social media on November 26. Following the circulation of the video, the Uttar Pradesh Police have responded, confirming that legal proceedings are underway. The incident is being investigated at the Mainather Police Station. Moradabad Shocker: Man Stabbed to Death in Broad Daylight While Visiting Father’s Grave at Cemetery in Uttar Pradesh, 1 Arrested (Watch Video).
Truck Driver Runs Over 4 After Dispute in Moradabad
मुरादाबाद में दिल दहला देने वाला लाइव हादसा
ट्रक चालक पर लगाया कुचलने का आरोप, हादसे की लाइव तस्वीरें सीसीटीवी कैमरे में हुई कैद
— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) November 26, 2024
Police Act After Video Surfaces
उक्त संबंध में थाना मैनाठेर पर विधिक कार्यवाही प्रचलित है।
— MORADABAD POLICE (@moradabadpolice) November 25, 2024
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