The Registrar General of Kerala High Court recently issued an Official Memorandum banning mobile phone use during office hours. However, senior officers who have been provided with mobile phones and chauffeurs have been exempted from this direction. As per the notification, the action was taken after it was brought to the notice that many staff were playing online games, watching social media content during work hours and thereby the day-to-day office work was being hampered. The notification also stated that the staff shall use mobile phone during office hours only for official purpose. The Office Memorandum has banned use of mobile for online gaming, watching social media content, movie, online trading etc. Besides, the staff has been banned from playing online games during the lunch recess also. Watching or Capturing Images of a Woman Standing Outside Her House Is Not ‘Voyeurism’: Kerala High Court.

Staff Should Use Mobile During Office Hours for Official Purpose Only, Says HC

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