Multiple photos and videos going viral on social media show Mirganj SDM Udit Pawar allegedly making a complainant become "murga" in his office. The incident took place in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly. The viral clip shows Udit Pawar, SDM of Mirganj, making a complainant "murga" in his office while he sits in his chair comfortably. The video also shows other bystanders witnessing the event as the complainant becomes "murga" while the SDM is seen talking on his phone and smiling. After the incident came to light, Mirganj SDM Udit Pawar was suspended from his position. Uttar Pradesh: Cops Thrash Man in Busy Bareilly Locality, Probe Launched After Video Goes Viral.

Mirganj SDM Makes Complainant 'Murga'

SDM Suspended

SDM Issues Clarification

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