In a bizarre incident in Uttar Pradesh, a man was seen performing stunt with his Thar car after placing mud on the SUV. The incident is said to have taken place in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut. In the viral clip, a man is seen putting mud on the roof of his SUV in Meerut. As the video moves further, the man is seen driving his Thar SUV at high speed on the street of Uttar Pradesh as he deliberately spreads dust collected on his four-wheeler. Soon after the incident came to light, the police cognisance of the video and said that the traffic police was directed to take necessary action. Meerut: Man Beaten, Urinated on Camera Last Year, Dies After Having Drinking Session at Hotel in Uttar Pradesh.
Man Throws Mud on SUV in Meerut
यूपी: मेरठ में THAR पर मिट्टी चढ़ाकर कईयों की आंखों में झोंकी धूल, लोगों की जान से किया खिलवाड़।@meerutpolice @adgzonemeerut @igrangemeerut @dhrubathakur @uptrafficpolice @meeruttraffic @dgpup @ChiefSecyUP @myogiadityanath @yadavakhilesh @MediaCellSP @priyankagandhi @ABPNews
— Shahbaz Khan (@Shahbazkhan9557) November 29, 2024
Police Respond After Viral Video Surfaces
यातायात पुलिस को आवश्यक कार्यवाही हेतु निर्देशित किया गया।
— MEERUT POLICE (@meerutpolice) November 29, 2024
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