In a bizarre incident in Uttar Pradesh, a brother and sister allegedly married each other in Hathras to fraudulently receive government benefits meant for newly married couples. It is alleged that the brother-sister married each other under the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mass Marriage Scheme, which provides several benefits to couples belonging to economically weaker sections of society. The alleged fraud came to light after local residents lodged a complaint. After this, the local SDM took action and ordered an investigation in connection with the incident. It is learned that the sibling orchestrated the scam to receive benefits under the Mukhyamantri Samuhik Vivah Yojana, which included INR 35,000 in the bank account of the bride, essential goods worth INR 10,000 for the couple and INR 6,000 for the wedding ceremony. The complaint also claimed that two married couples, residents of Sikandrarao, also remarried under the same scheme. Gorakhpur Shocker: Man Kills Father with Brick After Argument Over Marriage in Uttar Pradesh, Arrested After Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Brother and Sister Get Married to Receive Government Benefits

Siblings Get Married Under Chief Minister Mass Marriage Scheme

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