In a notable moment from the ongoing Monsoon Session of Parliament, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla was seen addressing a matter of decorum with clear instructions. A video capturing the incident, which has since gone viral, shows Speaker Birla admonishing a minister with the remark, "Mantriji haath jeb se bahar" (Minister, hands out of the pocket please). Following this, Speaker Birla called on all members to refrain from keeping their hands in their pockets while in the house, underscoring the need for proper conduct. A video of Om Birla chiding a minister over hand in pocket has surfaced on social media. However, the footage does not reveal the identity of the minister who was the subject of the Speaker's reprimand. He further instructed that if a member is speaking, others should avoid standing up and instead move to the back to prevent any obstruction. ‘When People Talk About Nehru ….’: TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee Clashes With Speaker Om Birla Over Demonetisation Remarks (Watch Video).

‘Mantriji Haath Jeb Se Bahar’

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