On Friday, hundreds of Shiv Sena workers started protesting outside the residence of Amravati MP Navneet Rana in Mumbai. This comes after Rana planned to chant the Hanuman Chalisa along with her husband MLA Ravi Rana outside 'Matoshree', the residence of Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray. Taking to social media, MLA Ravi Rana in a post said that the police isn't allowing them to step outside their house. "Shiv Sena workers trying to attack our residence...We've always considered 'Matoshree' as a temple...Uddhav Thackeray only seeking political gains," Rana said. Rana's wife Navneet also alleged that Thackeray ordered Sena workers to heckle them. "I'm reiterating that I'll go outside & will chant Hanuman Chalisa at Matroshree," she said.
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Maharashtra | Police aren't allowing us to step outside our house. Shiv Sena workers trying to attack our residence...We've always considered 'Matoshree' as a temple...Uddhav Thackeray only seeking political gains: MLA Ravi Rana in his social media post pic.twitter.com/jh3C4fJgvW
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2022
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