Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Bollywood film director Rohit Shetty inaugurated Shree Ram Mandir-Replica-Rath in Mumbai on Wednesday, January 3. Fadnavis and Shetty performed puja and took blessings during the unveiling of Mumbai's Ram Mandir's replica rath. The video of the ceremony was shared by news agency ANI. Meanwhile, Ayodhya has been gearing up for the inauguration of Ram Mandir which is scheduled on January 22. Ram Lalla idol will be installed at the sanctum-sanctorum of Ram Temple on this day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with several other dignitaries are set to attend the inauguration ceremony. Ram Mandir Consecration Ceremony: Ram Lalla Inauguration in Ayodhya To Take Place at 12:20 PM on January 22.
Devendra Fadnavis and Rohit Shetty Flag Off Ram Mandir-Replica-Rath:
#WATCH | Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis along with Director Rohit Shetty flagged off the Shree Ram Mandir-Replica-Rath in Mumbai.
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2024
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