In a shocking incident in Telangana, a truck carrying a load of fish allegedly met with an accident in Mahabubabad. The alleged incident occurred today, September 24, after the truck overturned near Maripeda. However, instead of helping the injured, locals were seen looting the fish that had fallen on the road and fleeing with the same. Multiple videos showing local residents rushing to collect the fish, which are scattered across the road, have surfaced online. The viral clips show local people looting the fish and filling it in bags before fleeing the scene. Tragedy on Raksha Bandhan in Mahabubabad: Harassed by Jilted Lover, Girl Ties Rakhi to Brothers Before Dying in Telangana Hospital (Watch Video).

Locals Loot Fishes After Truck Overturns Near Maripeda

Local Residents Rush to Loot Fishes Spilled on Road After Accident

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