Amid the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh, it is reported that Sadhus beat several people in Prayagraj after a power cut at Kumbh Mela. It is reported that 15 people, including two contractors, were beaten by sadhus after a power cut at Prayagraj Kumbh. It is alleged that the sadhus attacked electricity workers and also snatched police batons. A total of eight people were injured in the attack. A police complaint has been filed in connection with the incident. Maha Kumbh Mela 2025: 2 Crore Plus Devotees Take Holy Dip in Sangam So Far on Makar Sankranti at Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj (Watch Videos).
Sadhus Beat People After Power Cut in Mahakumbh
At Prayagraj Kumbh, 15 people, including 2 contractors, were beaten by sadhus after a power cut.
The sadhus allegedly attacked electricity workers and snatched police batons. 8 injured, police complaint filed. #PrayagrajKumbh #MahaKumbh2025#MahaKumbhMela#Sadhubaba
— Sneha Mordani (@snehamordani) January 16, 2025
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