In an embarrassing incident from Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, a school teacher was captured on video sleeping on the floor of his own school premises after allegedly getting drunk. The video, now viral on social media, shows the man defending himself, claiming "innocence" and questioning why he's being bothered by onlookers. In the video, the man can be heard saying, "Main sidha aadmi hu," after local residents gathered outside the school upon spotting the teacher, creating a scene as they confronted him about his behaviour. Drunk Teacher 'Punished' by Students in Chhattisgarh: Kids Throw Slippers at Teacher, Chase Him Out of School After He Turns Up in Inebriated State in Bastar, Video Goes Viral.
School Teacher Caught Drunk on School Premises
ये स्कूल टीचर है, शराब पीकर स्कूल में ही लोटने लगे.
कह रहे हैं- मैं सीधा आदमी हूं, मुझे क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो ?
मामला मध्य प्रदेश के मंदसौर का है।
— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) July 7, 2024
Teacher's Drunk Antics Caught on Camera
अध्यापक साहब शराब के नशे में धुत स्कूल आये।
और के रहे हैं मैं सीधा आदमी हूँ मुझे परेशान मत करो 🤣
मंदसौर | मध्यप्रदेश 📍
— Shadmanshan (@Shadmanshan1) July 7, 2024
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