On Monday, a Special Police Establishment (SPE) squad from Jabalpur Lokayukta's office allegedly found a patwari of the revenue department in Katni, Madhya Pradesh, swallowing money he had allegedly accepted as a bribe. The Madhya Pradesh Patwari assigned to the Katni district chewed and swallowed the bribe money. In a property dispute, Patwari Gajendra Singh had requested a bribe of Rs 5,000 from the plaintiff Chandan Singh Lodhi. Lodhi then lodged a grievance with Lokayukta Jabalpur. Uttar Pradesh: Video of Cop Taking Bribe in Jaunpur Goes Viral, Suspended.
Government Official Swallows Rs 5,000 He Took as Bribe
A patwari in Katni, allegedly swallowed money he had accepted as a bribe after noticing a team of the Lokayukta's Special Police Establishment pic.twitter.com/AgsOyDsnGM
— Anurag Dwary (@Anurag_Dwary) July 24, 2023
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