In a bizarre incident in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna district, Sushil Kumar Shukla was fined INR 300 for not wearing a helmet while walking. Shukla claimed he was stopped by a police vehicle in the Ajaygarh area while heading to invite guests for his daughter’s birthday. According to Shukla, he was forcibly taken to the police station and detained briefly. Despite explaining his urgency, officers allegedly issued him a fine using the registration number of a nearby motorcycle, accusing him of riding without a helmet. Distressed, Shukla approached the Superintendent of Police (SP) in Panna, seeking justice. The SP confirmed an inquiry was underway and assigned the case to Sub-Divisional Officer Rajeev Singh Bhadauria, assuring further action based on the investigation’s outcome. Jhansi: Monkey Attacks Woman, Snatches Her Shoe At City Kart Mall in Uttar Pradesh; Video Goes Viral.

Man Fined For Walking Without Helmet

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