A viral video on social media shows Shaligram Garg, younger brother of Pandit Dhirendra Shastri, popularly known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, allegedly assaulting a family in Madhya Pradesh. The alleged incident is said to have occurred in Madhya Pradesh's Chhatarpur district. The viral clip shows Shaligram Garg and his men brutally thrashing the family, including the women and children of a man named Jeetu Tiwari. The purported video shows Shaligram Garg forcefully entering the premises of Tiwari's house and beating elders and children of the family. Meanwhile, a case has been registered against Garg and his men at the Bamitha Police Station. Dhirendra Shastri: Self-Styled Godman's Brother Shaligram Garg Booked for Pointing Gun and Using Abusive Language at Wedding Function in Madhya Pradesh (Watch Video).
Shaligram Garg Assaults Family in Chhatarpur
बागेश्वर धाम वाले धीरेंद्र कृष्ण शास्त्री के भाई शालिग्राम की एक और करतूत pic.twitter.com/tn6iQc5YOF
— Manoj Manu (@ManojManuIN) May 31, 2024
People Accuse Dhirendra Shastri’s Brother of Assault
Chhatarpur: पंडित धीरेंद्र कृष्ण शास्त्री के भाई पर गांव के लोगों ने लगाया मारपीट का आरोप#DhirendraKrishnaShastri #Shaligramgarg #Chhatarpur #bageshwardham #mpnews #BreakingNews #LatestNews #bansalnewsmpcg@bageshwardham pic.twitter.com/zmJnNMHzmj
— Bansal News (@BansalNewsMPCG) May 31, 2024
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