As Pravasi Bharatiya Divas begins on a high note in Madhya Pradesh, a shocking video of people painting dries grass in order to make the venue shine has gone viral on social media. In the 1-minute 21-second video clip, few people can be seen spray painting the dried yellow grass to make it shine like a fresh green one. As the video moves further, a man can be seen completely spray painting the dried grass with green colour. According to reports, the local municipal corporation has installed readymade grass at the venue and colour sprayed it in order to enhance its beauty. Many people critcised the municipal corporation for spray painting the grass in order to make it look beautiful. Twitter user Sunil Menon, who shared one such video said, "What an endearing environmental initiative!! The beating heart of Incredible India...other cities will go green with envy :))." Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas: CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan Urges NRIs, Says ‘Invest in Madhya Pradesh and Act As Ambassadors’.
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Grass is for cows...
The greening of Indore just before the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas and investor summit. What an endearing environmental initiative!! The beating heart of Incredible India...other cities will go green with envy :))#MadhyaPradesh
— Sunil Menon (@kazhugan) January 7, 2023
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