A man in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, lost his life while performing a stunt on a moving tractor on Saturday. The deceased, Neeraj Maurya, and another man, Jogender Yadav, were captured in a viral video performing dangerous stunts. Lucknow DCP (North) Abijith R Shankar confirmed that upon seeing the video, police registered an FIR and arrested Yadav. "On June 22, two people were performing stunts on tractors. The driver of one tractor, Neeraj Maurya, lost his life. The main accused, Jogender Yadav, has been arrested and is being interrogated," stated DCP Shankar. Punjab: Man Crushed to Death by Tractor While Performing Stunt at Rural Sports Fair in Gurdaspur District; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Lucknow Tractor Stunt (Disturbing Video)
लखनऊ में ट्रैक्टर से स्टंट कर रहे युवक की मौत दबकर मौत. https://t.co/sbyN71v3PL #UP #Lucknow #Tractor #dangerous #stutnt #Video pic.twitter.com/Kt6CMEVNtR
— Pradeep Sharma (प्रदीप शर्मा) (@PradeepSharma_9) June 23, 2024
Police Arrest One
#WATCH | Lucknow, UP: On one person's death during a tractor stunt, DCP North Abijith R Shankar says, "On June 22, two people were performing stunts on tractors and the video of the same was viral on social media. Taking cognizance of the video, a case was registered... The… pic.twitter.com/JHi7tcg16B
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) June 23, 2024
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