In a shocking incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a Mahindra Thar car was allegedly towed away by the municipal corporation in Lucknow. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. In the 7-second video clip, officials of Lucknow Municipal Corporation can be seen towing away the Mahindra Thar car. Netizens were left surprised when they saw the video. Taking to the comments section, one user said, "Ye to thar ki beijjati hai bhai," while a second user said that it wasn't right to pick-up the Mahindra thar. Viral Video: Massive Fight Breaks Out Between Two Students' Group Over Seats on School Bus in UP’s Jhansi.
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देख रहे हैं @anandmahindra जी हमारे लखनऊ नगर निगम वाले थार उठाये ले जा रहे हैं
— Indal Kashyap (@inadu_) December 28, 2022
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