In Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, a distressing incident was captured on camera as several assailants attempted to kidnap a temple priest from the Mahadev Hanuman temple in broad daylight. The video of the attack has circulated widely on social media, revealing the perpetrators forcefully dragging the priest from the temple premises. The family of the targeted priest claims that a previous report to the Vikas Nagar police station went unaddressed, potentially aggravating the situation. Meanwhile, the police have stated that the altercation stemmed from a dispute over construction within the temple premises, leading to necessary legal actions being taken. Uttar Pradesh: Man Carries Huge Crocodile on His Shoulders After Rescuing Reptile From Drain in Lalitpur, Netizens Call Him 'Real-Life Bahubali' (Watch Video).

Kidnapping Attempt on Lucknow Temple Priest

Disturbing Assault on Temple Priest in Lucknow

Confrontation Over Temple Construction

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