In a concerning incident, a Bengaluru techie who had ordered an Xbox controller from Amazon found a live snake in the package she received. The woman, a software engineer living on Sarjapur Road, had ordered the controller two days ago. Upon opening the package, a cobra was discovered inside the box, which got stuck to the packaging tape, restricting its movement. The incident was recorded on video and shared on X by the user @Tanvxo. Reportedly, Amazon customer care kept her on hold for over two hours. Although a refund was issued by Amazon, the woman claimed no additional compensation or official apology was provided. The company's standard "regret the inconvenience" message was deemed insufficient by the customer. The snake has since been safely released away from public reach. Bengaluru Bike Stunt: Man Rides Motorcycle With Woman Sitting on His Lap; Booked After Video Goes Viral.
Cobra Found in Amazon Package
In a shocking incident, a family on Sarjapur Road received a live Spectacled Cobra (venomous snake) with their Amazon order for an Xbox controller. #SnakeinAmazonorder
— Gaurav Singh (@Gaurav_Shade) June 18, 2024
Amazon Customer Care Respond
We're sorry to know about the inconvenience you've had with the Amazon order. We'd like to have this checked. Please share the required details here:, and our team will get back to you soon with an update.
— Amazon Help (@AmazonHelp) June 17, 2024
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