Residents of Nashik city in Maharashtra were terrified when they saw two leopards wandering around the city on Friday. Forest officials have captured one of the big cats and are looking for the other one. The video of the leopard rescue has surfaced on social media. The leopards were seen in different parts of the city - one in Savata Nagar and the other in Govind Nagar, more than 5 km apart. The CCTV cameras recorded the leopards entering and exiting houses and walking in the city’s small streets. Thane: Leopard Spotted Near Residential Area in Kamba-Varap Village, Forest Officials Launch Search.
Leopard Rescued From Home in Maharashtra
नाशिक: सिडको भागात शिरलेल्या बिबट्याला पकडले.#nashik
— Lokmat (@lokmat) November 17, 2023
Leopards in Nashik
Rescue operation is going on from the forest department after seeing two leopards in Nashik city of Maharashtra, success has been achieved in capturing one leopard, the race for the second leopard is also going on from the forest department.
— Bharat Ghandat (@GhandatMangal) November 17, 2023
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