In a disturbing incident on Tuesday, September 3, a Lady Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) was manhandled by protesters in Tamil Nadu's Virudhunagar district. The protesters were staging an agitation demanding the immediate arrest of individuals allegedly involved in the murder of a driver near Aruppukkotai. DSP Gayatri, along with her team, attempted to disperse the crowd and prevent them from blocking the road. However, the situation escalated, leading to the physical assault on the officer. Seven people were arrested following the incident. Chennai Shocker: College Student Dies by Suicide by Jumping off Building in Potheri Days After Getting Caught in ‘Ganja Raid’ (Watch Video).
Lady DSP Assaulted by Protesters During Agitation in Virudhunaga
VIDEO | Tamil Nadu: A women Deputy Superintendent of Police was manhandled by protesters on Tuesday while they were staging agitation demanding immediate arrest of people who were reportedly involved in the murder of a driver near Aruppukkotai in #Virudhunagar district.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 3, 2024
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