Gujarat Health Minister Rushikesh Patel, on Tuesday, November 12, ordered an inquiry into the deaths of two patients at Khyati Hospital in Ahmedabad. Today, November 13, Rushikesh Patel said that strict actions will be taken in connection with the Ahmedabad hospital incident. It must be noted that two people died following treatment at a free medical camp organized by Khyati Hospital in Borisana village in Gujarat's Mehsana district. The incident sparked widespread outrage and prompted a high-level investigation. The camp was conducted under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY). Khyati Hospital Deaths: Uproar After 2 Patients Die Following Angioplasty in Ahmedabad Hospital, Gujarat Health Minister Rushikesh Patel Orders Inquiry (Watch Videos).

Gujarat Health Minister Promises Strict Action

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