The Uttar Pradesh police recently arrested a man for making a reel on a road in broad daylight where he pretended to be dead. The accused has been identified as Mukesh Kumar. The alleged incident is said to have taken place in Uttar Pradesh's Kasganj. The viral clip shows the man pretending to be dead for a reel. As the video moves further, people are seen standing by what appears to be a dead body, only to be shocked and surprised as Mukesh Kumar gets up from his act and starts laughing. Soon after the video went viral on social media, the police took cognisance of the incident and arrested the accused. Reel in Uttar Pradesh Police Uniform Leads to Suspension of Woman Cop in Kasganj (Watch Video).
Man Pretends to Be Dead for Reel in Uttar Pradesh
Reel क्या न करा दे...
उत्तर प्रदेश के जिला कासगंज में एक युवक ने चौराहे पर लेटकर मरने का ढोंग किया। पुलिस ने रीलपुत्र मुकेश कुमार को गिरफ्तार किया।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) September 15, 2024
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