In yet another incident of dog attacks, a pitbull attacked a cow in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur on Thursday. The video of the incident went viral. In the video, a pet pitbull can be seen attacking the cow. The dog bites the bovine in the face and refuses to let go, The pet owner had to hit the dog with the sticks to release its grip. After a lot of struggle, the cow was rescued. The owner has said that such an incident never happened before and the dog is registered and vaccinated. Meanwhile, the dog owner now has been called to the Municipal Corporation office with all the papers for further action.
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Kanpur, UP | A cow was attacked by a Pitbull dog. We spoke with owner, who said such incident never happened before. Dog is registered & vaccinated. Owner called to the Municipal Corporation with all papers for further action: Dr RK Niranjan, Chief Veterinary Officer
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) September 22, 2022
Pitbull Attacks Cow:
#कानपुर कोतवाली क्षेत्र के सरसैया घाट पर पालतू पिटबुल डॉग के आतंक से क्षेत्रीय बच्चों व लोगो को जान का #ख़तरा डॉग ने गाय पर किया #जानलेवा हमला, काफी देर तड़पती रही गाय, पिटबुल मालिक व लोगों की कड़ी मशक्कत के बाद सारिया मार मार कर गाय को पिटबुल के जबड़े से बचाया गया।
— सहारा समय उत्तरप्रदेश/उत्तराखंड 'Official' (@SaharaSamayUP) September 22, 2022
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