In an unfortunate incident, a street vegetable vendor lost both his legs on Friday evening after he was hit by a train while allegedly trying to pick his belongings, from a railway track, thrown away by police, in Kanpur’s Kalyanpur area. The police were reportedly clearing the spaces illegally occupied by roadside vendors there. According to reports, the policemen hurled his scale, weights and vegetables towards the railway tracks. The vendor went to pick them up when he was hit by the train. The two policemen left the scene immediately without attending to the injured Irfan. Other officials arrived after the control room was informed. He has been taken to hospital. Viral Video: E-Rickshaw Driver Tied, Brutally Thrashed, His Head Shaved for Allegedly Molesting Girl in Kanpur
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An eyewitness speaks to the local media. Claims the accident took place when the vendor went to the track to collect his weighing scales allegedly thrown by cops.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) December 3, 2022
Police Issue Statement:
Police claims head constable Rakesh Kumar has been suspended. Videos shot by onlookers are being looked at to establish sequence of events, police said.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) December 2, 2022
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