In Kanpur’s Govind Nagar, a man set his scooty ablaze after failing to start it on Friday morning. The incident occurred near former MLA Ajay Kapoor’s office, where the frustrated man purchased a plastic bag worth ₹500 from a local shop, drained the petrol tank, and set the vehicle on fire. Residents noticed the fire but could not stop the man, who fled the scene. Fire brigade teams arrived and extinguished the flames, but the scooty was completely charred, leaving only its frame. Govind Nagar Police, led by SHO Pradeep Singh, are investigating the case. The vehicle’s number plate was destroyed, and efforts are underway to identify the owner using the chassis number. Authorities are also analysing CCTV footage to trace the suspect and uncover the motive behind the act. Sambhal Shocker: Woman Climbs Electric Pole to Stop Lineman from Cutting Her Power, Forces Him to Back Down (Watch Video).

Man Sets Scooty on Fire in Kanpur After Failed Start

Police Respond

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