The Allahabad High Court recently ordered the appointment of a 33-year-old woman as a civil judge in Uttar Pradesh, thereby concluding her five-year battle for the two marks she was denied in 2019. A division bench of Justice Saumitra Dayal Singh and Justice Donadi Ramesh said that the judicial appointment had been denied to the Scheduled Caste (SC) candidate for no fault of hers. The high court also clarified that a supernumerary post be created for the woman in case such a need arises considering the six-year delay since the judicial exam for the Civil Judge (Junior Division) post was held. The woman candidate identified as Janhvi had moved the High Court in 2021 for re-calculation of marks awarded to her in the English language paper of the Uttar Pradesh Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination, 2018. Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav Controversial Remarks: Supreme Court Takes Note, Seeks Details From Allahabad High Court Judge’s Comments at VHP Event.

Judicial Appointment Was Denied to the Scheduled Caste Candidate for No Fault of Hers, Says HC

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