A shocking video from Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi has gone viral, showing two men dragging a body by its legs outside the post mortem house. The nine-second clip captures the men, reportedly ambulance operators, entering the facility with the body tied to a cloth around the legs. The exact date of the incident remains unclear. This comes days after another viral video showed a man mishandling a corpse outside a hospital in the same city, sparking outrage over the treatment of deceased individuals at medical facilities. Circle Officer Ramvir Singh confirmed that the police have initiated an investigation to determine the video’s time and location. “Further action will be taken based on the findings,” Singh stated. The incident has raised serious concerns about the dignity afforded to the deceased in state-run institutions. Bihar Shocker: Dead Man’s Eye Goes Missing At Nalanda Medical College and Hospital in Patna, Doctors Blame Rats (Watch Video).
Body Dragged by Legs Outside Jhansi Autopsy Centre (Disturbing Video)
— Jhansi Police (@jhansipolice) January 6, 2025
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