After a first-year student named Swapnodeep Kundu reportedly attempted suicide by jumping from the his hostel balcony in Jadavpur University due to alleged ragging by several students, a 10-member inquiry committee visited the college hostel on Sunday. According to Kolkata police, two accused identified as Deepsekhar Dutta, a second year student of Economics and Manotosh Ghosh, a second year student of Sociology have been arrested in connection to the suicide case. Jadavpur University 'Ragging' Row: Forced to Cut Hair, Humiliated; Chilling Details of Torture Emerge in Swapnodeep Kundu 'Suicide' Case.
Inquiry Committee Visits Jadavpur University Hostel
#UPDATE | Jadavpur University student death case: Two more arrested in connection with the case. Both the arrested people are identified as Deepsekhar Dutta(19), a student in 2nd year, Economics and Manotosh Ghosh (20), a student in 2nd Year, Sociology: Kolkata Police
— ANI (@ANI) August 13, 2023
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