A 17-year-old first-year B.Tech student at IIT-Indore, Rohit Kumar, was found hanging in his hostel room on Friday evening. Originally from Telangana, Rohit reportedly took the extreme step after losing his college fees in online betting games. He left a suicide note on his phone, stating, “I am addicted to online betting games. Goodbye.” According to friends, Rohit had lost lakhs of rupees, sent by his parents for college expenses, in gambling. Police, alerted by the hostel warden, seized his phone and other belongings for investigation. The body was sent for postmortem. Authorities are probing further. Chhattisgarh Shocker: Social Media Content Creator Ankur Nath Dies by Suicide on Instagram Live As Followers Watch in Horror in Janjgir Champa.

IIT Indore Suicide

Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Helpline Numbers:

Tele Manas (Ministry of Health) – 14416 or 1800 891 4416; NIMHANS – + 91 80 26995000 /5100 /5200 /5300 /5400; Peak Mind – 080-456 87786; Vandrevala Foundation – 9999 666 555; Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline – 080-23655557; iCALL – 022-25521111 and 9152987821; COOJ Mental Health Foundation (COOJ) – 0832-2252525.

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